Digital Tutors - Animation and Video Editing in Photoshop CS6 (2013)

Digital Tutors - Animation and Video Editing in Photoshop CS6 (2013)

Digital Tutors - Animation and Video Editing in Photoshop CS6 (2013)
FLV | AVC 900kbps | English | 1280x720 | 23.97fps | 1h 06mins | AAC stereo 68kbps | 544 MB
Genre: Video Training

We'll begin this course by learning about some of the basic features of the video portion of the timeline panel where we'll learn how to import video clips and do some basic editing. From there we'll spend the next several lessons focusing on other visual editing techniques such as using adjustment layers, smart filters, key frames, layer masks and animating with layer styles. We'll also take some time to navigate the frame animation portion of the timeline panel in which we'll explore animating some mouth expressions. Finally we'll cover the timeline's export settings and how to fix possible broken file links. By utilizing the features that the Photoshop timeline has to offer, you'll be able to add a lot of fun and creativity into your own video or animation projects.

9 Lessons:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Editing video in the video timeline
3. Applying adjustment layers and smart filters with the video time line panel
4. Animating with key frames in the video timeline
5. Applying a layer mask to our video project
6. Animating with layer styles in the video timeline
7. Animating in the frame animation timeline
8. Exporting settings in the timeline panel
9. Fixing broken project links
Digital Tutors - Animation and Video Editing in Photoshop CS6 (2013)

Digital Tutors - Animation and Video Editing in Photoshop CS6 (2013)

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