Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration
English | wmv | WMV3 480x360 500 kbps | WMA 2 ch 64 kbps | 49 min | 196 MB
eLearning, Painting

In this downloadable video artist Scott Waddell shares his personal form based approach to portrait painting. Covering a painting process that took 9 hours to complete, this 48 minute long video shows Scott creating a preliminary drawing done in graphite on paper, how he transfers this drawing to his linen and ultimately the execution of the painting using oil paints. Throughout the video Scott offers insightful narration describing his thought process and the artistic concepts he utilizes while working. 
Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

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